Thursday, August 2, 2007

PaRappa the Rapper - PSP

PaRappa The Rapper

As the cover states, "The Classic Returns!" and with nothing new to offer. When I saw a PaRappa game for the PSP I was quick to jump at it, having been a fan of the series and it's off-shoot Um Jammy Lammy. Little did I know that "Classic" also meant "Nothing New". This was literally the same game I played back in 1997 on the original Playstation... I was disappointed to say the least. Granted I still played through it and it still had it's moments and songs that I will always enjoy, but I was looking for tricks up the sleeves the whole time and found none. It would have been nice for a company that had three hits doing this type of rhythm game to do an up date of the series and why not on the PSP? Graphically it's far superior to the Playstation and PS2, and since the game play is so simple a portable version is actually a great idea. But don't sell me the same game twice, because now if you do make a new version I won't buy it and I won't care. I would be ashamed of myself if I was on the programing team. "You want me to re-program a game I made 10 years ago?... Okay!" I hope that's not how it went down, but you never know. Graphics were starling good and that's about all I can say for this game. SCORE 5.5

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