Saturday, July 21, 2007

Comic Reviews! - Ultimate Powers 6

So it's Comic Time and up today Marvel Comics! (I'm trying to get them to send me preview issues, wink, wink, and if they do I'll review them!) On with the review!

Ultimate Power #6 (of 9)


This is Stracynski's (Amazing Spider-Man, Thor) last issue on the Mini and Mark Millar will be taking over for the final three of the series. So the Power's team and Ultimates go head to head with each other and find that... guess what? There evenly matched! It's still pretty cool to see two speedsters go up against each other and actually fight! I know! They actually fought! Also it was cool because it showed the perspective of outside the speedsters fight and inside the fight as well. The story didn't really move to much except at the end. The Power's Team's Evil Doctor gases Reed making pretty much everyone hate him that much more; and Fury reveals even more so that he's an evil fuck. And Doom's back... again... he's the new Magneto of dying a thousands times and coming back. Although it was pretty cool that he's a threat to Hyperion and company. Otherwise it was a pretty good issue in the declining Ultimate Universe, hopefully Marvel will put some effort back into the line instead of leaving well enough alone. Here's some pages revealing Doom's big come back after the break! I give it a solid 9.0.

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