Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Camelot Falls!!! - Why Superman is actually an interesting book

Have you noticed a trend to my blogs lately? Yes, you see I have all my comics organized by company and by book making it easier to read... sigh... I'm a nerd. Well any ways next on my DC read-athon is Big Blue. Originally I brushed this book off, saying to myself that it wasn't that good or interesting. I just remember everyone telling me that Busiek was the jam and that no one writes a better Supes than he. Well I'd have to say that they are partially right. Busiek is only as strong as his artist, and frankly he's only strong with Carlos Pacheco. When sticking to the main plot with the main artist the book is quite impressive, but when it trails off with fill in artist and fill in stories you have to wonder if it's the same writer from the issue before.

There are a couple of fill in stories that were actually very good, the first being the Prankster issue in which Superman makes more of a guest starring appearance. The second is the Origin of Jimmy Olsen which was just an interesting story and took us back to the hay days of the Bugle without it being horribly cheesey like it typically is. But like I said this doesn't always pan out... the issue guest starring Wonder Woman was simply horrible. Every other book that WW's been in instantly throws in a line from WW stating that she hasn't been gone from the world so long that she doesn't know what a computer is or reality games shows, you know something to that extent, but in this issue Wonder and Lois go into a cyber-cafe and the exact opposite happens I kid you not. WW acts dumb and Lois says, "My gosh, you have been disconnected from the world for to long."

I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the book only seems to struggle with certain artists, literally when the artist changes it's like reading a throw back issue from a team that has not right working on Superman. I haven't read the latest 2 issues but there's another issue from the horrid artist that worked on issue #666 which was another story that just screamed "throw back." Needless to say I'm not to sure about Superman's continued existence in my collection, for now though he's bought himself a free pass. I only wonder if Action Comics will fair as well...

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