So I'll try not to blotch this one up as I proceed to review Green Arrow: Year One, Black Canary, Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood and Green Lantern Corps, and some quick hits!Green Arrow: Year One - This is how Green Arrow should be! Diggle and Jock are one of the best teams in comics and I can't wait to see what project they take on next. I would love to see an ongoing of GA: YO but I doubt DC has the grapes to do it. If for some reason you think I'm blowing smoke up your ass I have evidence from DC, on just how good this book is. Issue's 1 and 2 both have blank of four on the cover, but issue 3 became blank of six. Meaning the extended it for two more issues. Yeah it was probably just to help tell a better story and not actually due to popularity, but it still got me excited about reading two more issues of it. If you don't know the history of Greeny then pick up the book because I'm not going to sum any of it up for you, the book is just too good to ruin for anyone.
Black Canary - The first issue is titled, "Living With Sin." Referring to the little girl that Gail Simone (Ex-writer of Birds of Prey) stuck Black Canary with. That's really all this mini-series was there to do, get rid of the little girl so that DC could write Green Arrow and Black Canary however they wanted. Within the book Black Canary seems like a sub-character and GA even narrates one of the issues. Once again they make GA just way to bad ass for who he is and what he does. I don't know why DC is trying to make him more Bad Ass then Batman but with a better love life, it's just lame and not very interesting for his character. If I had read all the wedding nonsense I wonder how many books I would have found that BC says yes to GA? Too many probably. Also the ending is ridiculous as any sane woman would never have excepted GA's proposal after the shit he pulled, it just goes down as another example of how forced this wedding is and that no one reading comics should be happy about it.
Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood - This book was actually pretty good. It was typically Chuck Dixon, "I stick to action" but this time I could help but be sucked into the book... until the last 2 issues any ways. Whereas GA Year One needed two more issues, this book needed 2 less. It really felt like he didn't know how to fill that many pages and started adding filler to the story. The ending was horrible and pretty much ruined the character for me. Also I have no idea what time frame the book took place in but assume it had to be the past since it didn't mention anything happening in the GA world today. The art was awesome though and saved the book which wouldn't have been as good without it. The soft-cover is for sale now so if you're just a huge fan of the character or something then check it out.
Green Lantern Corps - Gosh I read a lot of issues of this series... starting from issue 3 all the way up to 13... I've got the whole series thus far... and really don't like the book one bit. The art sucks, the coves suck, there's too much pointless dialog. I wish they stick to just three characters at a time rather than trying to cover the entire corps. There was an interesting story, plagued by bad dialog, where there was a Corpse. Basically the anti-hero version of the Corps and they can kill and their powers are contained within themselves. It was pretty cool... too bad it doesn't fit into the War that's going on and will probably be forgotten until some years pass, but it was still pretty cool.
QUICK HITS!!!Batman & Robing The Boy Wonder #7 - I don't care what people say this book can come out whenever it wants and do whatever it wants because it's the fucking good. This is how Black Canary should be and I think the idea of her hooking up with Batman rather than a wannabe Batman is cool. I would love to write that story since this book gave me a bunch of ideas for it. Great book as always!
Robin #166 - Didn't read 165... don't really care. How do you get rid of a character that's sheer presence means he'll have to become a starring character in the book? Kill him off of course. Dodge was a bad character and I don't know why the writer handled him the way he did. But to fix his own mess he opted to kill Dodge off rather than make him a character that didn't suck. I don't see myself reading 167. Sadly I'm still kinda interested in the book but there's just not enough to bring me back to it. I still think it's just a DC cash in book like Nightwing and Green Lantern Corps.Simon Dark - I just realized that this book was written by Steve Niles, and I guess that's why it didn't suck and I'm actually looking forward to the next issue. The art was very detailed and had a familiar style to it, that I really enjoy. I thought it was just a mini-series since DC rarely takes chances on on-going titles anymore. It's almost their company policy to have a 6 to 8 issue mini then launch an ongoing with a different team and watch it fail. I really like Simon Dark though and I look forward to seeing how he fits in with Gotham.
Gotham Underground - Calafiore is a decent artist... on Exiles... but nothing more. Underground was pretty boring, Penguin is running an Underground Railroad for super-villains that are getting pick up by the Suicide Squad *Cough* Thunderbolts ala Civil War *Cough* and Batman is investigating. Two-Face and Scarecrow and Mad Hatter all make appearances and are completly out of character. Scarecrow was left scary and new at the end of Detective Comics, Two Face hasn't made his bad ass return after One Year Later but I expected him to be less of a sissy, and Mad Hatter was a lunatic after his run in Secret Six which also but a scary new twist on him. In this book they're all cowards and it doesn't even make sense that someone with their resources would need the Penguin. The Squad shows up and busts all of them including the Penguin. Lame!
Superman #667-668 - Sigh... Does Busiek really need two story lines happening at the same time? Were still wrapping up Camelot Falls and then it switches over to The Third Kryptonian which is equally cool but by having both running at the same time, you take away from both! The Third Kryptonian is more than likely going to die so that Superman can live and we can't have that many Super people running around or it'll get boring. Still like the book I just wish DC wasn't so deadline happy and forcing 2 stories at once.
Well I've said to much but at least you only have to read one post rather than a bunch which is what I would have typically done. Feel free to send in disagreements and opinions.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
More DC for me please! and some Quick Hits!
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
9:09 AM
Labels: Black Canary, Comics, DC Comics, GL Corps, Gotham Underground, Green Arrow, Quick Hits, Simon Dark, Superman
Friday, October 26, 2007
Superman, Action Comics, Green Arrow and why Judd Winick should probably retire from comics
So if you've been reading... hopefully someone has since I haven't been posting much, I've been catching up on the comics and I've pumped out quite a few including Batman and everything that could be considered a Bat-book, Superman and everything under that category and now I've started on Green Arrow. All in all I've read almost an entire box of comics which if you're a comic nerd/collector you know that those boxes can store a lot of comics!
So Superman... where the hell to begin with this mess? Well I've already covered Superman the series but as for Action Comics... well good luck figuring out any kind of time line. In-between the actually interesting Johns, Donner, Kubert run is a bunch of fill in stories that do 1 of 2 things. 1) prove my theory about Busiek only being as good as his artist or 2) bore the crap out of you and make you wonder what the hell's happening with the series. I'm actually very confused as to what's happening with the Kryptonian Invasion and I'm wondering... what the hell did I miss? Now he's on Bizzaro planet? Seriously what's going on? Otherwise it's a damn good book, not the best Superman I've ever read and Kubert's art is... not very fitting. I don't know if it's the colorist or if it's just him but the art is just not there.
Probably the best Superman book I've read so far was Superman: Confidential #1-5. I was disappointed that the storyline ended with issue 5. It's just a classic Superman with a hint of a modern twist, but was one of the most rewarding books I've read and I hope they finish the storyline. Cooke and Sale are a perfect team and I hope they do more work in the future.
As for Green Arrow, geesh, where to begin? I read like 15 issues of this book and still really think you could have trimmed it down into like... 5! I will continue with an open letter to Judd.
Dear Judd Winick,
I know that you were upset that you were taken off of Batman and that you probably could've milked the same storyline for at least 2 years much like you've done with GA. In fact you pretty much continued the storyline from Batman into GA which was pathetic, lazy and spiteful on your part. GA is now the poor man's Batman only he's a sucky character thanks to you. You were probably one of the only writers that spent the year after One Year Later explaining what had happened in that year... Let me tell you... it was boring to read about the mystery year. Back to the Batman thing since it's bothering me. I just find it so ridiculous that you continued your really bad Red Hood storyline into GA it was so half ass and not even worth it at the end. You taught Speedy a lesson? Great... to bad she's a hollow character because you write her one dimensional for the most part or she's just GA's Robin since all you do is try and make her look better than Robin instead of making her, her own character. Also I know you're friends with Brad Meltzer who did a great job with Deathstroke in Identity Crisis but you are not Brad and you're Deathstroke is not cool. He talks to much, he's not that scary and frankly I think anyone could take him in a fight if you weren't writing him. Also I'm pretty sure you're gay and know someone with HIV, which I have no problem with other than the fact that you shove it down peoples throats every time you write a comic. Lesbians in the Outsiders, Homosexual's getting beat up in Green Lantern, HIV in GA when do you stop shoving? This goes for everything, no one wants to hear your view constantly, whether it be religion, sexual preference, or cookies. We get it stop the shoving you're not doing anything about the issue by putting it into a comic. Also the fight scene between GL and BC was pointless and pathetic and seem so out of character for the both of them that I couldn't help but laugh... a skip a few pages forward. Upon receiving this I hope that you'll just start writing you're own characters that way you can see how hugely successful you are..n't.
As a note I'm not reading the new GA series as I find it to be a complete joke and waste of time. If they had relaunched it with a different writer then I might have checked it out but after reading his last GA I really don't see the point and have to say that it was a bad move on DC's part to leave him on the book. Maybe when they wise up and replace him I'll give it a shot.
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
12:49 AM
Labels: Batman, Comics, DC Comics, Green Arrow, Making the Cut, Superman
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Camelot Falls!!! - Why Superman is actually an interesting book
Have you noticed a trend to my blogs lately? Yes, you see I have all my comics organized by company and by book making it easier to read... sigh... I'm a nerd. Well any ways next on my DC read-athon is Big Blue. Originally I brushed this book off, saying to myself that it wasn't that good or interesting. I just remember everyone telling me that Busiek was the jam and that no one writes a better Supes than he. Well I'd have to say that they are partially right. Busiek is only as strong as his artist, and frankly he's only strong with Carlos Pacheco. When sticking to the main plot with the main artist the book is quite impressive, but when it trails off with fill in artist and fill in stories you have to wonder if it's the same writer from the issue before.
There are a couple of fill in stories that were actually very good, the first being the Prankster issue in which Superman makes more of a guest starring appearance. The second is the Origin of Jimmy Olsen which was just an interesting story and took us back to the hay days of the Bugle without it being horribly cheesey like it typically is. But like I said this doesn't always pan out... the issue guest starring Wonder Woman was simply horrible. Every other book that WW's been in instantly throws in a line from WW stating that she hasn't been gone from the world so long that she doesn't know what a computer is or reality games shows, you know something to that extent, but in this issue Wonder and Lois go into a cyber-cafe and the exact opposite happens I kid you not. WW acts dumb and Lois says, "My gosh, you have been disconnected from the world for to long."
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the book only seems to struggle with certain artists, literally when the artist changes it's like reading a throw back issue from a team that has not right working on Superman. I haven't read the latest 2 issues but there's another issue from the horrid artist that worked on issue #666 which was another story that just screamed "throw back." Needless to say I'm not to sure about Superman's continued existence in my collection, for now though he's bought himself a free pass. I only wonder if Action Comics will fair as well...
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
12:48 AM
Labels: Busiek, Comics, DC Comics, Making the Cut, Pacheco, Superman
Thursday, October 11, 2007
MADE the cut - Catwoman and The Outsiders
Surprise, surprise, there's actually a few books that made my chopping block! I won't go all rant crazy on them but yeah I was actually surprised by these two books. I still have my gripes with them on a few things but sometimes I have to take into account that they aren't meant to be read back to back like I'm doing but rather month to month. Catwoman's book was probably the second best book to tackle the One Year Later fiasco and actually make it work. Lopez's art on the book is consistent and very fitting, not only with the writing but also with the character. It just goes to show that sometimes a book just needs a constant team to produce a good book rather than a thousand different artist and writers taking a stab at it one month to the next. I strongly believe that that's what's wrong with comics today is that they companies don't lock down these creative teams but rather throw there up and comers on struggling books or use them as fill-ins and say, "Prove yourself!" they also do the same with the superstars only this time they say, "Make it sell!" Myself I have given up on reading a book just do to the writer and definitely due to the artist. Yes I will give them an issue or two to see if it's worth reading but I know longer cling to the theory of well they were good once they're good always. Back to Catwoman though, I haven't read the newest issue yet and the next issue has her stealing from Bruce Wayne for some reason and her life as Selina is completly gone and that frankly has me really interested. What interests me more is her role on the Outsiders which I just got done reading and was like wow, two books that I like tying into each other... alright, good going DC. Even if the creative team changes I'll still give this book a chance since it didn't make me feel like I had wasted my money collecting it for a year and never reading it.
As for the Outsiders, they almost didn't make the cut. But then Judd (I have to make a least one character Gay in whatever book I'm writing) Winick got booted off the book and things really started to turn around. I like the concept of the Outsiders, I like the team and wish that some of the members were still on it. I like the fact that Batman's leading it. In fact I wish he weren't even on the Justice League and I don't like the fact that DC's going the way of Marvel and making all the heroes register and keeping tabs on them. The joy of DC has always been that it just seemed magical, all these made up cities with these characters that the people in the world loved and respected. DC isn't like the real world so don't make them like that. The Outsiders are going this way to, but at least its interesting and the team auditions were some of the best Outsider stories I had read in my year and a half of collecting and not reading any of the books.. spree I guess you could call it. I do hope that they add some other members that are more interesting, I liked the fact that it was always a couple of really well-known characters mixed with a bunch of B and C-listers.
Both books really caught my attention I just hope they keep it, but DC may have gotten me for another six months to a year and unlike Robin and Nightwing I feel these books have a point rather then just giving the fans of the character something to read and be disappointed with.
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
12:45 PM
Labels: Batman, Catwoman, Comics, DC Comics, Making the Cut, The Outsiders
Monday, October 8, 2007
Making the Cut - Robin
Let me just say this first, Can I get some character consistency with this guy? Please? Every book I read that has Robin is completly different than the next and frankly I only like him in Batman. We're he a Bruce actually try to act like Father and Son. In his own series he constantly wonders if he can trust Batman, over and over and it's just ridiculous. Teen Titans is just whatever, I haven't gotten caught all the way up on the book yet but I don't think anyone will argue that he's different in that book as well.
As I read this book I couldn't help but think that some DC editor was trying to capture the magic of Ultimate Spider-Man with all the teen dating and break ups and blah blah blah. The thing is, I'm pretty sure no read of this book would even think to compare the two because of how boring this book is. The Character Dodge (I use the word "Character" loosely) is a crappy character there's no getting around that. He was bullshit when they created him and if everyone else didn't figure out that he was going to become a villain because Robin didn't like him then well maybe this book really is for you... I stopped reading this book with the issue above, whereas Nightwing had made me interested to see just how bad the book could get and how inconsistent the villains could continue to be... Robin has done nothing but bore me and since the art really isn't that good and the dialog pretty much sucks the big one I've got no reason to come back to this book until DC forces me into picking it up during a killer cross-over or something.
That's pretty much always been my problem with Nightwing and Robin's books, they don't do anything. They don't hold any weight in the rest of the DCU, hell they don't even cross over with other books. That doesn't mean it has to be like Manhunter where she's guest starring in her own book, but even Firestorm had some decent guest stars or cross-overs with other titles. Robin's own book doesn't cross-over with Teen Titans the group he leads... I mean come on how easy would that be? From the very start of both of these books they have simply been a cash in, another book to add to the Batman line and nothing more. Hopefully the slumping sales will force DC to either cancel the books or finally make them interesting. After all Marv Wolfman couldn't save Nightwing after the One Year Later fiasco, and I couldn't even tell you one other thing the Robin writer has written... nor would I want to read something else he's written. Robin is another title that doesn't make the cut I'm afraid.
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
9:44 AM
Labels: Comics, DC Comics, Dodge Sucks, Making the Cut, Robin
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Making the Cut - Nightwing - About a Year's Worth
I started reading Nightwing during Infinite Crisis and with One Year Later one of my favorite writers took over the book. A lot of people screamed bloody murder about everything Bruce Jones did on the book but I have to call "Bullshit" on that. First off, Jones did the best he could with the crap that was handed to him. Frankly I hate Nightwing in New York and think that it's a horrible mistake for DC to put real cities in there world of made up cities. Everyone already considered Metropolis to be New York so it's a waste to actually have a New York. The problem with Jones' run, was that he was just following suit with the book... nothing new to the character. He just made him "Bruce Wayne Lite" and called it good. When I see this I call foul on the Editors because regardless of what anyone thinks they are responsible for all character decisions and for what happens on the book. My point in case is that Marv Wolfman is now on the book and if he re-read the book Nightwing still isn't that different even though a man responsible for crafting the character is writing it, someone who knows the history of the character compared to someone who knew nothing.
The art for this book is horrible and since it's just a niche book appeasing the league of Nightwing fans out there, the art will never really improve. If by chance they do land some up and coming superstar artist they will be yanked from the book after they finish whatever storyline they're on and but on another title. I guess I need to read Infinite Crisis again because I don't remember Dick almost dying, and frankly since he didn't I don't really care and Wolfman needs to stop bringing it up in every issue. I don't know why DC would even toy with the idea of killing Nightwing, yeah it would have been ballsy but DC doesn't have the balls to do it. Also what would that really have done for the story of IC? Nothing, at least Conner's death had some substance to it. Overall this book is very safe, meaning it doesn't take any chances and just maintains the status quo. Most of each issue is spent showing how much Nightwing isn't like Batman, and frankly I don't care. If anything this should be a chance to get Batman right even if you have to use another character to do it.
The Villains are horribly inconsistent as well. During the Bride and Groom storyline, the Groom became more and more out of character after the first two issue that his character was established and the Bride did the same thing. They almost switched characters completely then in the last pages switched back. Also Nightwing teaming up with the villains to bring them down was the most forced storyline ever. Nightwing crashes a villains bar to see who knows about Bride and Groom, even though there unknown villains and he knows this and he's been keeping tabs on the place since he got to town but hasn't busted in yet. Also the amount of property damage he does is just bullshit and makes Nightwing look like an asshole. So obviously the Villain don't know anything about the Unknown villains and Nightwing books it leaving a petite threat towards the washed up villains. And wouldn't you know it, Bride and Groom find the place... sigh, by tracking Nightwing's aura which seems convenient since they never said Groom could do that, but since they didn't say he couldn't I guess it's okay.
Probably the best issue I read of this was the annual written and drawn by two people that have nothing to do with the ongoing series at all. It had heart, it understood the characters (even if Barbara felt a little out of character at times) and really it just nailed it. I wanted to read more of that Nightwing rather than the year's worth of Marv's run. Since I'm cutting back on comics I have to tell you Nightwing didn't make the Cut!
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
11:19 AM
Labels: Bruce Jones, Comics, DC Comics, Making the Cut, Marv Wolfman, Nightwing
Welcome Back!
So I was moving, hence my absence from reviewing but now I'm all settled in and felt like saying something about something. First I'll be slowing my posting pace considerably due to the fact that when I was unable to post I felt free, and when I was posting a lot it was because I felt I had to for some dumb reason. The point is I don't want to post just to post but rather because I want to.
I haven't read anything new recently but I did catch up on about a years worth of Nightwing and Robin. I'm on to a 13 issues of Catwoman next, yes I know that's a long time to buy a book and never read it but it does have it's advantages when formulating an opinion on a book. Since I have a lot to say I'm going to do separate posts on each book.
Reviewed by
The Reviewer
10:50 AM
Labels: Moving, Welcome Back