Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hostel - Part II

Well if for some reason you were impressed by the first Hostel, they went and made another one. Eli Roth is apparently the brightest up and coming Horror director despite only having three movies under his belt, one of them a sequel and none of them any good at all.

My main problem with this movie is that it really didn't try to do anything differently from the first film. I literally sat there wondering when it was going to deviate from the first and frankly it never really did. Basically Part II was just as bad as Part I, here's my breakdown for the scoring.

Story 1.0
Sound/Music 7.0
Look/Style 5.0
Acting 3.0

So from here on out it's going to be Spoilers a go-go, so if you still want to watch the movie stop here! For those of you who don't care or already saw it let's continue. The main problem with the first movie was that Eli never showed you what was happening and that problem continued in this one. For instance when one of the Characters is in front of a makeup mirror to be "touched up", she bites the nose off the creepy looking Guy trying to fix her scratches. Instead of seeing this, her teeth bitting the nose, we see her lunge forward then the Guy screams and she spits something onto the floor. Then the results of what happened are shown ,the Guy missing the tip of his nose. In fact theres only two more times that anything really happens since the first hour of the movie is spent wrapping up Part I and then getting our new victims to the same town. So Nose Biter, who bite the nose off is getting tortured and the Guy (who will get to later) isn't paying attention and buzz saws her face. Would have been cool, only you couldn't really see what happened because the CG was bad and they made it super quick, once again your looking at the results. The only other scene was so incredibly ridicul
ous and fake looking I'll just say this the Main Character cuts the guys Penis off. Now let me clarify by saying I'm not like more gore, more gore, but if you're going to do a Horror film and claim to make it a Gore-fest then you can't turn away when the Gore comes and then show the end results. If you turn away then the audience doesn't need to which takes away from the intensity of the scene. Oh they're only going to show me mild things like fingers and Penis' okay well I can keep on trucking through. If you only show the results people will only say, "Oh how fake looking." Understandably some of the things he probably wanted to do would end up getting an NC-17 rating, but here's a thought put some clothes on these people and maybe you can hold on to an R rating.

Now yes a Penis being cut off probably made most Men cringe as they saw it but unless your a murderous freak that's at the mercy of a Woman who just bought her freedom then I don't think you have anything to worry about. Let's come back to this scene and talk about how the ending broke the rules set forth by the movie, we need to talk about our Killers first. The two guys that won the auction on the Main Character and her Friend (Nose Biter) are probably the worst part of the movie. Eli tries to build them as characters but ends up making them hollow and stereotypical. The first guy is Rich and Successful and is the guy who actually pays for everything, he wants to feel the power of killing someone and be a stone cold killer. He constantly has to keep his friend in line and remind him why their there. In the end he messes up with the buzz saw and freaks out, he tries to leave but the contract says 2 things: You have to get tattooed and you have to kill someone or you're not allowed to leave. So the girl is going to die from having a buzz saw in the head but they want him to finish the job or he can't leave. He doesn't so they sic the dogs on him and they rip him to pieces some how. The other guy, less successful, his wife controls him, he's having doubts, he unties the Main Character having found her in the town and talked to her. The two talk and hug and then the murder switch flips and he decides I am a monster, I am going to kill and torture this chick. See what he did there? He switched the two characters the one you thought was going to be a sicko turned out to be a weakling and the other turned out to be a monster when originally thought weak. Sorry Eli but it was really predictable. There was no depth to the characters but he who wants to kill the most in more than likely the one most afraid of doing so and that's all this was. I have more I could say about these two characters but let's move on.

So the Main Character gets our Monster in the chair and reverses roles and holds a knife to his Penis. The Main Guy who runs the whole thing comes down and She says she wants to buy her freedom. They agree on the price but there's two rules, Tattoo and Murder. So she cuts the guys penis off, feeds it to the dogs the guards have and says, "Let him bleed to death." Okay, so we just broke one of the rules we heavily enforced 15 minutes ago in another scene what's going on? I guess it doesn't matter since her buying her way out was lame and predictable as well. You find out she's rich early on, like really, really, really rich. Then later Nose Biter tells the other Victim she could buy and sell the whole town, then the Main Character says the exact same line when negotiating her freedom. Hopefully they won't make another one of these "boring, mediocre, lack luster, I watch for an hour and theres no character development or any sense of danger built then some bad attempts at Horror happen" films and Eli's next Horror movie of all trailers will some how be better. Sadly I still have more I can say about this film but I'll save that for unsuspecting ears of friends dumb enough to watch the movie too.

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