Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Juno - Yeah I Saw It!

To bad I'm not talking about the movie! So I recently bought a Zune... actually not recently but around the time I took a long break from posting is when I bought it and it has pretty much consumed every aspect of my life. Regardless I got the soundtrack off of the Zune Marketplace which I had to pay for even though I had a Zune pass, but to my delight it was a very good soundtrack. By good I mean the songs were actually in the movie rather than a soundtrack filled with new music from the latest bands or just the musical score *cough* I Am Legend *cough* what the hell were they thinking *cough* *cough* sorry that last one was real. But I did enjoy the movie and the soundtrack is just enjoyable as well. I do wish I that there were more people in my age group in attendance to the flix since it was mostly old people that didn't understand what Thundercats GO! meant. Ah it's so wonderful when a movie can sell tickets based on critic's opinions and by comparison to the last indie comedy that came before it... ah Hollywood, will your writers ever be invited back? Hurry up I've got a script to sell!

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